Another Newbie FNG!!
Hey guys, My name is Cameron and I just wand to say hi from Boise Idaho! There are some BAD trucks here! This one is mine. I will show some new pics later. I did all the work myself. Currently it has full air ride of my own design set up on nitrogen at 200 psi. The front is a 63-87 crossmember with 2" drop lower and Chrome-Moly Chevelle upper A-arms and 63 brakes. The rear uses stock trailing arms with a seven inch notch and a telescoping wishbone to locate everything. It all works so good. The body is channelled three inches and filled, shaved and rounded front to back. It runs a hopped up 283 with a five speed. I've had this truck for five years and I am only 23. Nothing was bought, Except the bags and A-arms, I built it all.