Just a little background first. My truck is a 1972 SWB I got a couple of years ago. It was a 3-speed with 350. Right now I am thinking about going with a 383 with 700R4. Probably something around a 4/6 drop with 17-18" wheels. I've been using the site for some time to answer my questions and gather ideas and I must say that this is by far the best resource out there. It has been a tremendous help, just in the disassembly process alone.
I've finally got started (it took a couple of years) and have everything pretty much broken down. I'm looking for someone to Media Blast and Prime my cab/body panels and someone to Powercoat the frame. I've tried the phonebook and Google without too many results. I didn't know if anyone in the STL area would have any ideas or anyone they have used and could recommend.
Any help would be appreciated.
And for your viewing pleasure, I've went from this:
To this: