Welding A Tailpipe/Echotips
Just how difficult is it? And can a wire welder be used or what? I got a quote from the only guy in town the other day and just about fell over when he says, "yeah, I could probably get it done for $200".
Now keep in mind, I have new tailpipe from the headers back to the Flowmasters and was dumped just behind the axle (prior owner's preference). So there's not much to be added once you figure in the length of the echotips.
I personally want the 3" echotips like I had back in high school. I like the melo tones that they give the exhaust. And if the Flowmaster's don't provide the right sound w/the echotips......they'll come off and I'll go find me some cherry bomb glasspacks!!
So what's the difficulty level w/this little project?