48 Chevy Hood Hinge pictures and other questions
Had a few minutes tonight to mess with the 48 hood. Does anyone have any pictures of hood hinges installed up close? I am not too sure this pickup does not have the hood hinges bent or sprung. I am still trying to get the hood to line up correctly at the cowl prior to me tearing this thing apart for paint. Also, is it normal for the hood near the cowl to be so floppy? There is a brace that goes across but it does not hold the back of the hood very solid. I assume when you have the weather stripping down, that that will take care of the floppyness. "new word, you heard it here".
Not sure how much adjustment are in the hinges to get the gap near the cowl closer. I don't see where adjusting or tilting the cab will help much but I may give that a try. Thought I would try to make the adjustments at the hinge first like on a normal car. The fenders and core support all seem to be bolted pretty firm without a lot of adjustment. All the body lines look pretty good on this truck except the hood. Thanks photos would be helpful.