Originally Posted by americanmusc1e
yeah, I took it to the machine shop, the machinist I'm dealing with tells me to take it to him and he'll look at it, last time I took it to him, I took it apart and he machined it and put it back together.
the reason I took it to him again is because he said he'd give me a good deal since I had problems last time, but I think he wants to regrind the crank and stick it back together as a 360 (350 .060 over). I'm kinda fed up with him because I asked him wheather I should use the .060 over block or use a stock 4" bore block (both 4-bolt blocks) that needed an overbore, and he told me to use the .060 over block. I don't know, he acts like he doesn't want me to make it a 383 or a roller cam, he wants to redo it exactly the same.
I don't know, I'm gonna call him monday and see if he's started looking at it, If he hasn't, I'm gonna pick it up, and either sell it or take it somewhere else.
I'm kinda ready for a change, the 6.0 might be a nice change, I'd really like a 383 but I think the future of performance is in the LSx.
Ok then, best of luck to you on the swap. I'd be happy for you even if you dropped a straight six and a 3-speed in it as long as you got it back on the road!

I know it can be depressing when you drop in a new motor and it fails right off the bat.
I think you're right about that machine shop. I believe I'd find another place to do business from the sound of it.
Whatever you do, start a thread and keep us posted!