Setting my panhard bar - for the last time!!
Alright guys, I know this sounds really simple, but the more I measure the more I get confused, so I want to know the "right" answer here. I originally set up my pan hard bar for a minimal amount of side to side travel, keeping it closest to center at all times... the result is having an axle that is offset to the driver side at all times. (I have a straight bar that hooks to the frame behind the axle.)
So I guess here is my main question: Should I set the panhard bar so that when it is level, the axle is exactly centered? By doing this, all side to side travel will be to the passenger side. Or should I try to split the difference,so that when the panhard bar is level it the axle would be slightly offset to the driver side. Now I know the old school of thought here that says "the panhard bar should be level to the ground at ride height", so does that mean the axle should be centered too? I really never have had a predetermined ride height for the truck, so when I put the panhard bar in I made it so it was level to the ground the the suspension is mid way through it's travel.