Hello everyone! I am new to the site and am very interested in doing a swap on my 1953 GMC 100 to a 1989 GMC s-15.
I need any and all help on this! any little hints, advice, etc. would be most appreciated.
The S-15 is an extended cab, V6. It has a really good motor and tranny in it that i will be using....the questions come in the lining up of the cab and where to weld the cab support brackets, things like that....I saw the diagram on this site of how to make the brackets and i will be using that for the bed mounting, but where exaclty to mount them so that they line up is unknown to me.....
Like i said any and all advice is EXTREMELY WELCOME!! I have only begun taking fenders and what not off of my old truck but need any advice you can get me before i go too far! Thank you all!
53 GMC