Their customer service is CRAP! I've tried SIX times (once even drove UP TO SUMMIT) and every box we've tried, is ALWAYS a different part # that what it should be. I called Hedman about it and they COMPLETELY denied that they've EVER had ANY problems with boxing. I asked them if they could just simply swap me for the headers I NEED (#69090) At first, I ordered #69097 (in Oct. 01) and I never would have GUESSED they were the wrong ones (they looked like the correct ones)..jump to this year..2 weeks ago. I took it in to be smogged and the guy said that the headers on my truck weren't the headers that were on the E.O. Sticker.

Sure enough, they weren't! They were the #69090's ($125, as opposed to the #69097's $250) So I immediately took them off and drove my happy ass up to Summit to swap them out. After a long ordeal up there, I finally decided SCREW IT, just gimme my money back. (The #97's are NOW $202, so that's ALL I got back!) So, Summit told me to give them a few days to straighten out the boxing problem and to order them again..which I did. (While in the meantime I called Hedman and asked them EXACTLY what the difference between the #90's and the #97's were..they said "Just the E.O. Sticker, phsyically there's NO difference.") So, I went ahead and ordered the #90's (because that "0" is so illegible, my plan is just to punch in a "7" over it and call it good.) and STILL, when I got the #90 BOX yesterday...turns out that what's inside is #68270 (Nova Headers) Too bad there's no smily face that shows how pissed I am! Man, I hate California Smog crap and Hedman also!!