Originally Posted by hemihead
Anyone have a real close up picture of these wheels? Talked to Coys today....no longer carry the chrome with a 5" BS, can only get 5.5 BS. Has a shippment coming in mid Sept and says its 90% sold.
I decided to go with with these instead of the Foose wheels. Price was exactly the same. But you end up with more of a lip due to the fact yo can only get the Legends in a 6.25 BS (20x10's anyway)
Ill be ruuning 20x10 with a 5.5 BS and 295 40 and 20x8.5 with 4.75 BS and 255 45's.
Anyway if some one has some close ups that would be great.
If I were you I'd get the 5.25" BS on those front 20x8.5's. They will tuck alot better.
(Just my opinion)