Originally Posted by Wrenchbender Ret
I run 3.08 gears with a 700-r4. in a 70 stepside with stock 350 engine & 28 in. tires. 235-75.15. Love it. Pulls good & runs quiet. I keep it in 3rd around town to avoid excess shifting. I get 18 MPG in combination city/high.
There is one long hill on the interstate. The only time it will downshift is a strong headwind & the A/C on. Ive driven late model trucks on this hill that downshift every time.
I have to agree with you... I can't imagine not being able to pull this gear combo "most" of the time. And as you said, it push comes to shove, pull it down into 3rd, big deal... That's what it's there for. Now if you're going with monster tires, then of course, I'd drop that down a couple notches...