My name is Dan and im new to these boards but in no way new to the classic chevys. I've been round them my whole life, and i learned everything i know from my father whos an expert body man and a real good mechanic. Im 17 years old, i got my first car when i was 14, i payed for everything myself ( 2 jobs and sidework come in handy haha ). Anyways my first car was a 1971 chevy nova, i will never sell her. I had the greatest time of my life bringing this beauty back from the dead with my father. We do it all ourselves, we outsource nothing except machine work on engine blocks. Since then weve done quite a few projects together, he does the body work and i do all the mechanical and electrical. When i was 16 i bought myself another project, a 1968 c10 short fleet. i gave $1500 for it, it was running and driving with a 327 and a th350. It has an original 12 bolt 3.73 posi rear, HD coil spring package, and original tach dash. And there was barely any rust. So i proceeded to restore her, and then i drove her all last summer (as well as my nova) until November when a speeding ford (going approximately 75 or more in a 55) came over a blind hill as i was pulling out onto the road and took me out...

If you think my truck got hit bad, you should see the ford, it got

to say the least. that ford was totaled beyond belief. But not mine luckily (they just dont build um like they used to), well to most it would be, but not to me. My angels were with me because i walked away without a scratch, as well as the other guy. So now im in the rebuilding stage again and i should have her done within another month. So ill show you some pictures of my Nova and my truck. The Nova's my favorite, but i love the truck too. First theres before and after of the nova. she has a bored out 327 with a mild comp cam, weiand intake, edelbrock carb, powerglide and a 3.73 posi. And old centerlines. Ill post truck pictures in a minute it only lets me do 5 per post.