Originally Posted by msgross
I had Dave make one a few years ago, that's the first attempt at a rear filler though, nice work. It look like the filler will reduce the amount of capactiy a little though.
I think you could still run a regular hitch with that setup, no hidden hitch though...
does it drain to the front?
Sorry I missed this ?. All of the fittings are on the top of the tank. It has a pickup tube from the top to the front (lowest part) of the tank. I didn't want any of the lines runing out the bottom of the tank. Hoping all works well with the pickup and electric pump.
aboyer, I have no idea how it works yet. It fabbed up ok but I wish I would have gone with about 12* on the filler though instead of the 15* that I went with because I think I'm going to end up dropping the tank down just a little to get the filler in the right spot in the license plate opening. I kind of pushed this to the side for a while so I could get the sheetmetal work done on my cab. Hopefully I'll finish the fab work by the end of this month. We'll see.