carpet or linex, what did u guys do.
askin for a little favor from u guys, I dont post much, I just like reading and looking at some of ur guys trucks and theres alot of bad ass ones. alot of good people and ideas, anyways enough ass kissin, Im at the point in my project were I need to decide if I want carpet or some sort of bedliner. How about some pics of your interior and your thoughts. I do like carpet, its nice, clean, can help with insulation, its nice. but my set backs are I live all around dirt and in the winter things can get muddy. my truck will see some muddin and 4wheelin but my project is more towards a tough dependable driver, simple, but bad ass. anyways heres some pics of mine and wat im workin with. thanks alot. any thoughts please
this is the apex of the vortex: This is what u do, u lite all 3 ends at the same time, then the smoke converges, creating a trifecta of joint smoking power...
I pitty the fool with only two headlights