Perhaps you should discuss with the buyer the issue that the funds are not there. Perhaps get a tracking number from it, or some information. You stated that you did not receive it and it was back up for sale. Did you contact the buyer to find out why? Have you given the buyer a fair amount of time for the funds to be received.
Your attitude about it all is half the issue. Communication is key. We have had guidelines in place for sellers and buyers for several years. Perhaps they should be reviewed every so often for a refresher.
VII.Use a fair timeframe for receiving payment. Two weeks is the standard. If you choose to give less or more time state it clearly in the ad. If you have not received payment in a fair amount of time, move on to the next inline, or relist your item.
I. All for sale or trade ads must include the price. If you do not know the price of the item(s) you are selling, then you should do some research. Absolutely no auctions or bids
You and the buyer need to contact each other and discuss your issues. Namely payment mailing date, tracking or such if there was some, etc.
And for the record, we have had payments for subscriptions show up 3 weeks plus of when they were mailed. The USPS is not instant. When money is in question, tracking should ALWAYS be used to send.