how long does it take to have insurance claims paid out by USPS?
update on my tach/air dash that i bought off ebay...
well its still not here. ive been in contact with the seller and all the other packages he shipped have arrived a long time ago. it is approaching the 30 day period usps makes you wait before filing an insurance claim and the seller is being helpful and has already picked up the paperwork in case we have to file a claim
im just wondering how long these claims take to get resolved. i tried to get information over usps 800 number but that got me no where. i was a little disheartened when i heard that the insurance claims office for usps had a "please press 1 if you have not been paid out for a claim you've already filed" as the first option on their phone line..... makes it sound like im never gonna get my money back!
so if anyones made a claim through usps, how long did it take before the post office paid you out?
damn im pissed off.... slammed67 your damn lucky i outbid you on that tach/air dash, look at the trouble ive had...