I guess we have just decided to keep the Tailgate, but get rid of all the electric stuff, buy a new winder knob and replace the rubber that is destroyed, etc. I think this would be easier and I would be quite satisfied feeling I could get my window up & down not worrying if some stupid motor went bad or might freeze up in the winter, or a stupid switch went bad. (Whoever invented these electric windows should be shot, just my feelings--sorry I dont mean to offend anyone here). But thank you for the advice and help! I have showed my husband this site and he plans to do some posting. We have an old '79 Shortbed chevy he put together from pieces, we have a '78 Blazer and now this "88 Chevy Suburban. All standards. Best most reliable Vehicles we ever owned, although terrible gas hogs.
We are from Western PA, near the Ohio line.