Re: What did you get done 5/1/11 edition
Originally Posted by grs
Hey F.Monroe, How did you get that stance in your truck. My truck has 2 and 1 half inch drop spindles. It sat to low in the front with 2 inch shorter coils, so today with the original height coils it sits one inch lower in the rear. If I cut one coil out of the front coils will that lower the front one inch? I want it to sit a little low, but level.
The truck was lowered in the Late 70's or early 80's by the original owner . Rear is flipped and has some sort of helper bags and the front is either cut or different springs and some Camber adjuster bracket on the upper control arms made by Mr. Gasket . It was lowered before lowering a C10 was in demand and there were no aftermarket suppliers doing too much for these trucks . It has some sort of shock extenders on the rear also . keep in mind this truck used to run around DFW but has been odd the road since 1987.
Born and proudly residing in a Red State !