Here is a free part available to members (or future members if you are just saving up for your membership fees!). I'll be posting free parts nearly everyday from now until my "all to go" auction August 13th. I'll be adding a link to auction details soon! Thanks for all of your support! Please don't ask to pay shipping. These parts are absolutely free to members as a thank you for their business, just PM your name and address and I'll ship them out. Please keep it to around one part per week so that everyone gets a shot.
I will be taking a break from the free parts run for a week or so since I'm taking a road trip to Emporia, Kansas July 17th - 23rd for an engraving workshop. Here is my Dad's website (he doesn't own a computer yet!) if anyone is interested : Some fine examples of the type of engraving I hope to do someday. The "online show" tab features his most current work.
Sorry for the lack of free parts as of late. Due to a computer failure on my Dodge Cummins I have been stranded in Kansas for an extra week. I pulled up the pictures of a very nice oil fill tube that I will ship out Monday when I finally make it back to Wyoming. Here is the link to my auction flyer with additional photos as well: Just keep scrolling down on the extra pictures since there are three pages of them. Thanks, Sharpie