Hey guys. Just got the truck done. I had an issue with a car wash in the middle of winter before I started the build. Water got up into the bay, my truck died. Would not start unless gas pedal was to the floor. With the pedal to the floor it popped backfired and shot gas/some flames out the tail pipes. After a 30 seconds to a minute it started back up to a semi normal idle and after idling for 5 i began my 50 mile trip home. The truck since then had idled a little bit rough, and when I started driving it last week it was hesitating, surging *Lunging to normal and to missfire and back to normal, like it was firing and not* Also was backfiring majorly when in gear and foot off the gas. I knew in the back of my mind that it was probably a bad rotor and cap. I changed them tonight and it made a BIG difference. No more backfiring, still a little hesitant, however its 40 degrees here in slc. also the truck, when the pedal is to the floor bogs down and hesitates a bit. I am going to do the plugs and wires and hopefully that takes care of the rest of it.
I was just wondering what else that will be easy and quick that I can do tomorrow my only day off in the last 3 weeks??????
Also I'm running what I beleive to be a stock quadro jet??? and I'm missing the pickup??? that controls the 4bbl and it's open all the time, am I going to have to make my own link? and if so what lenght?
I'm so sorry this post isn't to punctual, I worked 14 hours today and am about ready to pass out for the night.
Any input will be appreciated