I've been working on my interior all summer. I've been looking for a NOS or really good condition NP205 shifter knob and have been really surprised to see how hard they are to find and how expensive they are. My friend came upon an old Suburban that a friend of his had laying around in a field and saw that it still had the knob. It was faded and had paint and crud in it but not scratched. The guy who had the Suburban gave him the knob for nothing and he gave it to me. I used a tothbrush with soap and water to clean it, then I started hand buffing it with Meguires PlastX polish until it started shining. Then I filled in the letters with white paint using my fingers like a squeegee. I let it dry overnight then I used a Dremel with a polishing wheel and PlastX to buff away residual paint and do the final polish. Put it in the truck this morning and couldn't be happier. Best of all is it only cost me some elbow grease! Here it is: