BBC power steering altenator setup?'s
I've searched for two days and tried every possible combination of words I can think of and just can't first.d the answers... so..... I have a 72 truck with a 85 model 454 I. It and while the alternator setup is not bad, the current power steering.g setup is awful, one of the brackets is basically ally sitting on the frame and it just looks thoughts was to first.d the correct setup for a 72 with a 402 and bolt all the stuff up..but what all do I need...brackets? Pulleys? Short water pump? Long water pump? And will they bolt to the 85 454? Is the holes gonna be the same? Or is there another setup that will function correctly? I posted a couple of pics on another members for sale thread..I'm on my phone and not sure how to post pics from here...any help, direction, or detailed info would be greatly I thought this would be something I could find pretty easily...and one more thing..what difffernce does it make if the fuel sending unit is for a manual or automatic trans? Thanks in advance for any info!
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