Originally Posted by Lost Vegas
As far as what size tank or how many tanks. Few people realize on an air suspension it's not about volume it's about pressure. 200psi is 200psi no matter if it's I'n a 5gal tank or 80gal shop compressor. I've built a ton of air ride setups and suspension. And ny opinion (unless ur bagging an f350 ) for your truck one 5gal tank and two compressors will be plenty. And as long as u run a comp setup such as dual Viar 450s or 480s or air zenith ob2 or newer u will have plenty of air for ride and play. It should only take any of the setups to reach 200psi about 5-7 min from 0psi and from 160-200psi 1-2 min. Plenty fast and reliable. I recommend Viar over air zenith for the simple fact that they stand behind there product better never had a warranty issue where as air zenith are like cell phones if they look like they have been abused or ever gotten wet etc they will not warranty. Hope this helps. Feel free to message me w any questions u have
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it looks like my viar 380 and a 5 gal will work and i may need a second compressor from what im hearing. thanks