I need some opinions as to my options. A couple days ago I decided to take the top off my blazer for a few reasons. I have had 4 blazers and always wanted to do it and now seemed like a good time since I don't really need the AC any more. But mainly because I want to check an area where I feared some hidden rust.
Anyways, After I took the top off, for some reason I am thinking about lowering it. The problem is I have no idea how to or what would be the best way to go about doing it. If I do lower it, I think I need to do it quickly because I think the urge to do so will diminish when I put the top back on. I figure I have 5-6 weeks max weather wise to leave the top off.
What are some ways or the best ways in your opinions to lower it. What is the most reverseable way because I am not sure I will like it after I do it. I would like to lower it 1 or 2 inches at the most and maybe just level it a bit. What are some guestiments on the cost to do it. Also, do ya'll think the tires on it would look ok if I did it. They are like new 235/75 and came off a new Jeep.
I am also thinking about putting some of those 20' things on it also. JK

, the rallys will have to work for now.
Thanks for any info or sugestions in advance........JD