Pouring water down the carb
I know everybody is going to say I'm nuts and maybe I am but this works. The old small block would diesel like hell when I shut it off. Done everything with timing, fuel etc. with no help. So I done the old water trick. And not a hint of dieseling now. I put a piece of card board under the throttle linkage it was running about 2100 rpm. Stuck the water hose over the breather stud turned the water on till it had a stream about the size of a straw. Ran her for about 20 min. This kinda makes Sense if you have ever changed a blown head gasket you've most likley noticed how clean the piston and head are. It's simply steam cleaning it. Getting rid of the heavy carbon. I let it sit over night and changed the oil and to my supprise no water in the oil. Just don't use too much water and lock it up!!!
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i do my burn outs in 4wd