I found a nice set on craigslist. Bought them and installed them the same day. The mirrors are way smaller than stock. It will take time to adjust to smaller mirrors. I think I may upgrade the rearview mirror for blind spots.
The mirrors are wired for turn signals. I ran the wires into the firewalls. Now I have to run them to the turn signals. Has anyone added or run wires to turn signals. I'm hopeful to find the wiring harness near the firewall. I don't feel like running extra wire down to the bumper turn signals. I'll post pic soon. I do have to remove and adjust the passengerside mirror. For some reason, it's angled a little higher. Has anyone wired in extra turn signals?
The new mirrors look great. At least they won't fade. Driver side mirror looked dull and faded. Passenger side looked nice and shiny.
Less drag than stock mirrors too! I finally might have gained the last 0.5 MPG to push it over 17 in the city. It ran slightly over 21 MPG on a Thanksgiving trip.