Introducing myself from SC
I have been on this site for a little over a month now, have gotten a great bit of info, and have even purchased a few things that I have been looking for. "Buck" is the truck that we bought for my studio (photography). My son named it when we pulled it off the trailer (not sure why he went with Buck, but he did and it stuck). Buck is a '65 c10 step-side with a 250. One of the biggest issues is figuring out WHAT 250 it has because I know it is not original, but not sure where it came from. Thanks to this site, it has been narrowed down to maybe '73-'79. Anyway, it was bought as a photography prop and my goal was to just get it to where it would run to where I need it to be. After a month and making my money back on it already, I want to do a bit more with it, but keep it with the old look. Right now I am just tinkering, learning, and planning.
Here are some quick photos of it. All of these are using my cell phone, except for the one with my kids, that photo is why I have this truck. it was used as one of our Christmas sets and has gone on location a few times already as well (out on the dirt road).