This month the truck needs to be inspected, but first, the speedometer needs to work to earn my sticker. I narrowed the problem down to the drive gear, so this morning I take things apart and what do you know, the drive gear is there and looks fine. But wait, the drive gear clip looks suspect, a closer look reveals the clip is a fraud, it's a nail! The stream of PO curses starts flowing at this point.
Regardless, the drive gear has to come off, which leads to a half hour of hammering away because it's worked itself down the shaft. Cursing some more because I need to buy a clip ... which I'm sure is $8 for a 25 cent part ... I go back under the truck for one more look and that's when the C10 Truck Gods smiled on me. What do I find in the back of the driven gear housing sleeve? The freakin' drive gear clip – wonder what I did to earn this?