Do I have to grind to fit 16" aluminum?
So I've read the threads and articles about grinding calipers to fit 15-inch wheels. There is a really good article and tutorial about grinding the Dana 60, but I haven't found any really good pictures and tutorial for a Dana 44 (or Corp 10-bolt, since they use the same hardware on the outside).
But what about 16-inch aluminum rims? I don't have a set in front of me, so I can't tell if the 16-inch aluminum has a larger ID than a 15-inch steel. Right now, I have a 15-inch steel and they don't fit, they require a wheel spacer to clear the caliper.
Anybody have experience or thoughts on 16-inch aluminum rims?
I know a little about cars, but if you have a question about electricity or sport quads, I'm your man!!!