Re: questions about a 67 c-30
yeah my wrecker here has glass packs that stops right after the cab and have 4 inch turn downs that points to the ground right up from the dual wheels this 67 had a 350 4 bolt main in it and has a slight mild cam and headers so it already sounds pretty . and im like you i been thinking about going with stacks on this truck as well . so if you wouldnt mind if i may ask if u could send me a link of info on the stacks you found . cause i think at the end of this restore im going to go with a set of stacks too . i think it be a classy touch this 67 holmes 440 is going to be white and blue and im painting the unit and sling bars and the dollys farmall oil base red and i got a set of brand new ernest holmes mudlfaps for it at the end and i have a reese hitch in going to weld on it . and the cab lights and park light im leaving original but on the bed side marker lights and the taillight and reverse lights on the back of the bed im installing l e d lights and i got a old stlye stand up bug sheild i put on the hood and i even had a set of the stainless tractor trailer fender guide lights im going to put on the front bumper ends so when i geet done with this thing it will be one fancy classy 47 year old holmes wrecker .