Wiper motor, alternator, ps pump and starter removed from 70 C10
These are a few of the parts we removed from the 70 C10 we parted out. All prices are shipped. The starter is for a manual transmission, bolts into the bellhousing. The alternator is an internal regulator style. Thanks, Fred - Wiper motor.. $16.00 shipped.... SOLD LOCALLY,
- Alternator, internal regulator.. $22.00 shipped....
- Power steering pump.. $22.00 shipped.... SOLD,,,, THANKS....
- Starter for small block, manual trans.. $35.00 shipped....
Our paypal is specialtyretail@yahoo.com Please DO NOTsend paypal funds as a gift, right is right. Thanks.... Sorry, we CANNOT ship larger parts. Thanks.
Last edited by specialtyretail; 07-21-2013 at 10:12 AM.