Just wondering what everyone's opinion is. I have a choice of 2 200-R4's in the area less than $500 each, rebuilt, with TV cable and one has the lockup wiring kit. I'm wondering about if this will live behind a 402. I'm sure if I never open up the secondaries on the carb it'll last forever, or never tow with it, but we all know there's no way I'm keeping my foot out of it! From what i've read they don't have as much torque capacity as a 700R-4 or even the TH400 I currently have. A couple advantages though are the fact it bolts right in place of my TH400 and would even use the same converter as the 700R4 if I decide to swap it out. What do you guys think? Are there multiple versions of the 200-4R like the 700R4 for different engines (one of these is from a 4.3 V6 but he doesn't know what it was originally from). If I had a SBC I wouldn't even worry about this, but I didn't put a BBC into my truck to drive it like a 250.