Betty and I have been together for 7 years. She has been patient waiting in the garage for me to put new life in her. She has waited through the everyday common things in life, money setbacks and the kids going into college. Well after waiting and waiting she finally received a new drive train. I replaced all of it. Now I am 48 years old and I have done several hotrods but I have never done this to one. Betty and I are coming home as usual [she is a daily driver] and I turn to come home and the steering goes stiff and smoke pours from under the hood. I shut her off and open the hood and it looks like a murder scene, red juice everywhere. The cussing starts and continues while I look baffled and begin to curse the power steering pump Gods. I push her up the drive way and into the garage leaving a trail of death juice everywhere, I cuss more and grab the cleaning supplies, yes I am very anal and hate oil stains with a passion. So after scrubbing the mess I begin to search for the culprit. Now, I have done a lot of dumb **** [my wife will concur] but this is dumb. Well you know that long high pressure hose coming off the back side of your power steering pump? Make sure the rubber part is not resting against the exhaust manifold or she will blow like a 14 year old looking at a playboy and leave one hell of a mess. No matter how many times you have done something check it once and check it twice. Still learning at 48! Hope you learn from this I have a hell of a mess to clean!