Carburetor Problem
I am having a problem with my 2 Barrel on my 1967 C20 its a 283 with an automatic and manual choke Rochester. I recently took it off and rebuilt it I soaked it in a gallon of the carb cleaner blew out all the holes and put a fresh rebuild kit on it. I set the float level and had it ready to bolt back on. First I cleaned all the junk out of the channel of the manifold where the carb bolts up also. Anyway I got it all back together started the truck dialed in the mixture screws it runs smooth at idle but when give it gas it bogs down, while under the hood I noticed it was leaking at the base gasket and around the mounting bolts. I removed the carb again the gasket was soaked so I have another to replace but I also checked the float level again and the accelerator pump to see if it was a problem but nothing. I put it back on the truck still having the same problem. What am I missing?