Warn Hubs/Glovebox decal
Just curious as I've not been able to locate any info regarding this topic on the board. I apologize if I've just missed it somewhere. My 70 Blazer has Warn hubs (though candidly it's had a 72 front axle swap) and the decal pictured below on the glovebox. I just assumed it was aftermarket replacement situation, but I keep seeing that decal pop up in multiple glovebox pics on the board. Then when I ran across the 28K mile Blazer thread again and saw that decal on a low mileage example (relatively unmolested) I thought I'd throw it out there and see if anyone knew the story...in other words, could these be an OEM hub option...Did some trucks leave with Warns from the factory instead of Spicers, was this a dealer option, or none of the above? Any insight appreciated.
*Green Blazer pics obviously borrowed from another thread.
Last edited by IronCanine; 09-16-2014 at 11:57 PM.