Greetings everyone! I have been reading the board for a while and thought I'd introduce myself. As you can tell from my name, I have a Jeep addiction. I tend to be a little tough on the old jeep so it spend a fair amount of time in the garage in various states of (dis)repair, so the wife thought it would be a good idea to have another vehicle. Right about this time a buddy from work asked me if i wanted to buy his all original 70 gmc. Don't ask how, but the wife agreed that a truck would be nice to have and told me to get it

. I'll post pics before too long. A little about the truck: 114000 original miles, lwb, 2wd, original baby s**t green paint (my favorite color on any classic vehicle), only real rust is in the rockers (an excuse to buy a welder) and a couple blotches of pitting. Thank goodness we are moving out of the salt heap New York donw to Virginia where it will be salt free. Could you please let me know some good links for parts and such (still havent decided if its getting restored to original or rodded).
Well, I'll stop with the rambling for now.