Man thats scary, do you live near any mental institutions, perhaps there's an empty rubber room with her name on it somewhere!

Glad you're all OK. The whole ground floor of my house is alarmed at night, its a PITA if you wake up in the night and want to go downstairs as it makes a noise as soon as it sees you but well worth it. We've been burgled twice in the last nine years, the latest last september, both times when we were out. I have chucked a local junkie out of my back yard on a couple of occasions where she was looking for stuff to steal, boy do these people know there rights as soon as I laid my hand on her shoulder she was accusing me of assault, I invited her to call the Police and we'd see who's side they took. I now have gates at the side of my house to stop this happening again. The world's becoming a sadder place to live in.