67-8 vs 69-72 core support frame horn
I am having some issues with the alignment of my front sheet metal. Particularly, it seems as though the core support is too high compared to the front of the cab. If the core support would go down a little then the alignment would be going much better.
So, while researching this, I have stumbled across a topic that seems to be truly unanswered or unproven. Some say that the frame horns that support the core support sit lower than the top of the frame on some years, and flush with the top of the frame on other years. I know that some (I believe 67-68) have a smaller hole in them also.
My frame horns are flush with the top of the frame. The mounts I have are approximately an inch thick, so the core support sits above the top of the frame by that inch. Is this normal? What would it hurt to take it down some? If I were to take it closer to the frame would that mean that my bumper will not line up with the grille correctly?
Can anyone provide proof that the height of the core support horn was ever not flush with the top of the frame. I don't need proof that it was flush, I have one that is.
Thanks for the help.