Of all the dumb things (a P.O. rant)
I really didn't want to pull the motor out of my truck. I have some oil leaks to address, and just about everything I want to do to the motor, including replacing the solid lifter cam, can be done with the engine in the truck.
What can't be fixed with the engine in the truck are the broken/striped bell housing to block bolts. I didn't realize it when I did the clutch last year, but I only have three of the six bolts in there. Of the three available holes, two seem to have something in the block (like a broken bolt) and the third one is open, but I can't start a bolt or a tap.with half the needed bolts I'm getting movement in the gearbox when I push in the clutch and there's an intermittent shake in the drivetrain. Without access to get to the broken bolts and the hole that needs to bet tapped, the motor is going to have to come out, so I might as well put it on the stand to do all the other work.
Like I said, ugh.