Originally Posted by DblTrbl
This may illustrate a little better what I'm trying to say. See how his rails are straight from the Z to the notch? He lopped off the lower frame all the way back.
Ah yeah that's the other way I thought you might be talking about. That would work really well if you either do a complete back-half like he did or if you were doing tubular notches.
I am using PB fabricated notches and want to a somewhat usable bed so I opted to keep the rear frame fairly original making that easier for me, less mounts and such to fab. Its been awhile since I've read his build and his truck is done very, very well.
If I had a little more room and more time I think I could have done things differently but I am limited to keeping my entire build inside my 'small' garage, I can't roll anything into my driveway unless it is leaving to my storage unit. I also can't work on anything in my driveway which limits what I can do on my other projects as well. I have been hounding to get some time in on my prerunner-style F150! HOAs suck....