Hello! C10 wont start.. I need your help!
Let me begin by saying Hello and thank you. I've always wanted a c10 and after years of waiting and the wife being okay with it I picked up a 70 C10.
Car was running fine, engine turned on at the turn of the key and worked. The interior was a mess so my first step was cleaning it up. Essentially new carpet, seat covers, etc. etc. The previous owner had connected the 3 gauge unit "amp" "oil temp" "pressure" and I changed those out and also changed out the ignition with a new key. I tried to turn it on today and the car does not do anything. No crank, no noise, nothing. I disconnected the battery when I was doing all this and the battery seems to be fine.
I ve been reading other threads and hoping to get some guidance, looking at wiring diagrams , and just cant figure out what I did.
Any insight would be greatly welcomed =)