Originally Posted by truckman5000
Glad i made the trip to see this.
This truck was held together by the top. Needed a comp. tub, and windshield frame. And front fenders. I would have bought a frame and drive line..
You know it's a shame that these trucks have to rust, but it's really a shame that people are not honest when selling them. A guy that allows you to make a 7 hour drive to look at a truck he's lied to you about, deserves to drive a toyota for the rest of his life. Well truckman5000, it stinks you're having a hard time finding what you're looking for, but hang in there, you'll find one. But get ready to travel. I live in north texas and found my Jimmy in Albuquerque New Mexico. After only looking at pictures of it and talking to the owner, I bought a one way plane ticket and flew 650 miles out there....and then got to drive my GMC Jimmy 10 hours to get home. A friggin' BLAST! First time I stopped for gas, a guy offered to buy it from me. Just remember you're looking at the BEST trucks on the planet, so take your time and have fun with it. And also, don't pay stupid money. There are still good trucks out there at fair prices.