Well I finally aquire my Grandfather's Truck from my Father and it is time to start the slow rebuild. I am figuring this build will have a two year completion date. So what are the plans you might ask? First the wheels will be podercoated black or dark grew or pewter, and anything that would have been chrome will be painted the same color. All the side trim will be removed. 31 inch tires all the way around to fill out those wheel wells. Front and rear bumbers replaced with some beefy looking after market design. Not going to replace the 305 but I am going to add a 4 barrel instead of rebuilding the 2 barrel. Going to dual out the exhaust, for a low rumble but not one that will keep the neighbors up or more importantly the wife when I come home from night shift. The body is going to get a rich burgundy with a black pearl coat finish. Photo to follow once I find somewhere to link them from.