70 long bed build
Hi guys, new to this site so be gentle! I am 22 and spent most of my childhood helping/watching and probably getting in the way of my dad restore a 1970 charger. I live in the UK (unfortunate I know!) but i was lucky to have a dad who is into cars that are actually cool unlike 90% of the other people who live over here haha. about a year ago I decided I had to have one of these trucks. I am 22 and spent all of my time trawling the interwebs looking for the truck that I could afford and wasn't in too rough a shape. also finding one that i could get shipped over here. After a long time searching I found a beautiful white lwb truck in omaha that was just in my budget. I rang the owner up, a cool guy called mike who was moving state and couldn't take the truck with him. After sorting out all the details and money the truck was finally on its way! it was shipped from his door in omaha down to texas and put on a big ol' floaty thing and on its way over to me! A whole 2 months went passed from when I purchased it over the internet from a million miles away. The torture of that wait not knowing even the real condition of that big investment. The day came when I could pick that beauty up and what a truck it turned out to be!