I want to put this out there for reference as this is a common drive shaft question. Here is how I converted my 3 on the column to a big block T-400 with measurements and parts. 1967 long bed pick up with a 2 piece drive shaft. It will be best to leave the 67 long as a 2 piece shaft, forget using a single shaft. Also, it is best to upgrade your U-Joints from 1310 to 1350 through out as this adds strength. I have not yet done this, so I used a jump joint off the tail of my trans which is 1310/1350. This is a temporary fix until I can get a new drive shaft made how I want it.
For future reference for anyone transplanting a Turbo 400 transmission- 1. Remove the bolt on yoke from the transmission. 2. Buy a Spicer slip yoke (#50508 supports a 1350 U-Joint) and press into front U-Jionts of shaft. 3. Grease the spline and shove it into the transmission as far as it will go. 4. Hang the carrier bearing but do not yet tighten. 5. Connect the tail of shaft to differential and tighten. 6. Tighten carrier bearing.
Measurements for a 67 long bed- from trans seal to center carrier bearing (front half of shaft) is 36". Shaft itself should be cut down to 33.5". This worked perfectly for my truck, but may be subject to change accordingly. These were MY measurements, and may be the same for you, or they may not.
I hope this information helps someone. I only know this worked perfectly for me, if anyone wants to add or correct me on this, please feel free to add your input.