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Old 05-02-2017, 02:42 PM   #7
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Re: 52 Chevy COE vin verification...

Originally Posted by Henry50 View Post
Usually, a lot of states titled trucks off the engine number some titled off the door number.

If you post the partial number off the title we can figure out if it is a door number or an engine number.

There is no reason for the pad on the engine to be blank, it's not like a sbc that would be removed if it were decked. if it's not there someone removed it.

Is it a 235?

this is all correct. in kansas, anything 35 years or older can be sold on a bill of sale and gets a vin inspection where the vin tag id (door jamb) is used as the vin.

lots of times sellers try to "help" by supplying an old title or one even that has been signed over, but these dont help. old titles are purged from the database after about 20 years of non reg, and "open" titles that are signed over to another buyer cant be reassigned until the transfer to the first buyer is complete.

luckily, our DMV knows this and when you bring them a bill of sale and an old title they curtly tell you to frame the old title or throw it away, the bill of sale is usually all that is required. they do a search on the VIN and, if it is truly off the books, they process your registration and you get a nice shiny new title.

UNLUCKILY, anything newer than 1949 is REQUIRED to have a state trooper VIN inspection, which is as fun as it sounds, like getting a fresh, uncut, top intact, pineapple enema. the local honcho for these inspections has grandiose illusions of being on the dangerous front lines of vehicle smuggling and will bury you in procedure. on a trailer? get it off. doesnt run? non highway reg, requiring a second inspection. engine missing? your second inspection will assuredly get an "assembled vehicle" brand.

my state (really my local) problems aside, your DMV will assuredly have a way of working this. most states know about the "engine number as VIN" thing and will usually have a workaround. some will stamp a new plate with a state issued VIN, some will use the existing VIN.

my advice? I have two. 1. BE THE EXPERT. research the procedures on your state DMV website. I cant count how many times I have helped a counter employee understand how I KNEW the truck was a specific year, specific weight, etc, and understood the DMV requirements, using documentation. 2. DO ALL TITLE WORK BEFORE DISMANTLING OR STARTING WORK. this is the most important, I know a few guys who ended up with a 1998, or whatever they used for a donor, registered truck because they put it together and tried to get registration after.
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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