87 TBI almost out ran out of gas, now wont run.
Well I feel like a fool as I type this. I drove 200 miles today to pickup a camper. Truck pulled it great, no issues, wasnt even working that hard. 6 miles from being home after 4 hours of driving, I was almost out of gas- I was at the 1/8 mark on the gauge. I KNEW I should have stopped and filled it, but i was hot and sweaty (95 out and no A/C) and I wanted to just get home.
I went up a hill and I think all the gas ran to the back of the tank, gauge dropped to empty and she started sputtering and chugging 10 secs later. I quickly pulled over, shut it off. I got some gas in a jug and filled it up, probably put 4 gallons in.
Wont start. sat there for over an hour and tried to get it going - if i pump the gas it'll start and chug, chug chug then die. I can hear the tbi fuel tank pump clicking on when I turn the key on. I don't think its dead.
Anyways. I ended up pulling it the rest of the way home. I'll look at it tomorrow, right now I'm too frustrated and tired. Going to try cracking the lines- my hope is there is just air in the system but not really sure - my thought is since the pump is a "Pusher" it should clear that out.
Any thoughts on what to look at tomorrow? this really is bad timing as I'll be gone all weekend, was hoping to use this next week.