Updating Grille emblem
Hello, I recently got a 75 SWB C-10 and have been doing some small things to it. It had the repop grill from a 78 on it that had the hood latch in the wrong spot. I got super lucky and found a correct 75 grille along with (3) 73-34 grilles and a correct 77-79 grille with the strips... I bought all 5 because why not??? Anyway the 75 grille had the 350 emblem still there but no Bowtie, i found the bowtie at the junkyard for 5 bucks, needs the yellow center replaced or painted but the chrome was good, I will work on that later. Grille has been cleaned and sanded and de-greased and has primer on it now. Going to paint today. I will update this when it is complete. Anyhow I did the 350 emblem using a engine black for the background carefully taping off the numbers, and then did the testors paint mix flat yellow and flat brown i learned from the square body syndicate. Here are some pics.
Grandpas and Dads and now my 1965 C-10
1975 SWB C-10
Last edited by Bennydog; 07-07-2017 at 03:46 PM.