Check PCM Tire Size - Rear Ratio
Hey guys - at long last my 6.0/4L80e swap is "done" (are we ever done?) and I'm shaking the bugs out. One thing I'm noticing is that the tranny is shifting hard, to the point where if I have any kind of foot in it, it barks the rear tires. I would like to look into it to see what the tire size and rear ratio is set to, and I'm wondering if any of the phone apps can at least show me that data so I can say whether or not it may be an issue, or if I need Diablo/HPTuners or something like that just to see it. I realize that to change the programming I'll need access to one of those programs. Looking for someone in the area who may have it, but in the mean time I'm wondering if I can use a cheaper app just to read where it's set.