i think the point that bothers me so much about this truley stupid rig-is the fact that he put no thought or real design into the lift--it looks as if he just welded a box onto the top of springs,,,very ugly stuff....but if this rig was in the far north--alaska-yukon--it would sell in a flash for a moose buggy---we have thousands of similar stupid rigs up here--that folks go hunting in....i believe i would rather walk....
next fall--when all the rigs come out on trailers for hunting--moose caribou-etc--i'll snaap a few photo's of them---so you can all see a weird varity of such vechiles--but some of them up here do fill a purpose...but mostly their broken all the time...but i'll post some with-hot tubs--look out towers---and some stering wheels 12 feet in the air-on a boats tuna tower or flying bridge only on a truck....it's a real laugh to see them every were in the fall here...and 40 grand--he must think everyone -is a real idiot...