We just recently sorted through our extra shift levers for another member, all of these are 71-72 style NP205 t/c levers for both auto and manual trans setups, NO guesswork here. All of these levers have the same shape/bends and the larger 7/16"-20 NF threads for the 71-2 knob's w/shift pattern (earlier t/c levers had 3/8"-24 NF threads for the smooth top knobs w/o shift pattern). These levers are to be used with the high tunnel covers that have the shift lever hole offset more to the RH/pass side
(like pictured below), the bend/profile of these levers will not work with/clear the tunnel covers with a centered shifter hole. $100. ea + ship cost. Payment can be made via US postal moneyorder, paypal or credit card over the phone. Thanks, Mel
***Shift lever #1 has been sold/shipped to board member webfoot***
****The other #2 & #3 pictured shift levers have been sold/shipped***